Acquiring the perfect piece of property for your business can be tougher than you might anticipate. You may encounter issues that could have you end up falling into a poor real estate deal that you and your business will regret down the line. The last thing you want is for your business to fail due to the mishandling of a real estate transaction.
To avoid any pitfalls that may occur, you should contact a reputable real estate attorney like the law team at Rhodes Law Firm to guide you through the various aspects of a commercial real estate transaction.
We can assist in any of the variety of methods used to complete commercial real estate transactions including:
- Cash Transactions
- Assumptions and Refinances
- Owner Financing
Our abundance of knowledge and experience affords our clients the opportunity for their transaction to proceed with confidence and be as relaxing as possible.
Whether you’re purchasing your first brick and mortar location or seeking an expansion for your business, you can trust Rhodes Law Firm with closing your commercial real estate transaction.