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Do military families have estate planning challenges?


Our men and women who serve our nation at home and abroad face different challenges than the everyday person. And when it comes to estate planning, those in uniform absolutely face challenges – and many of them.

For instance, some soldiers are deployed into active-duty combat, which brings an entirely new set of circumstances for those depending on him/her back home. As Kimberly Lankford notes at Kiplinger, there are special options through the Department of Veterans Affairs available for life insurance.

There’s also special considerations than can be made for beneficiaries should something happen, including immediate access to needed funds – instead of a typical process that is delayed by court proceedings and probate. The job-related risks also highlight the need for an accurate, updated power of attorney document.

Wealth Management also points out some other common issues facing families:

  • Often, moving place to place makes it difficult for the significant other to find steady work that provides benefits such as a retirement plan
  • Many families are younger, which can present more unknowns when looking to plan for the future
  • Members sometimes own property in multiple states

Augusta is unique in that it boasts Fort Gordon and an extensive military history dating back to Revolutionary War times. And with the U.S. Army Cyber Command coming to the area very soon, many more members of our armed forces will be relocating to the Augusta/Fort Gordon area.

And as a law firm dedicated to nothing other than estate planning and serving our community by helping them protect their families, we look forward to helping those who have dedicated their lives to helping our nation.

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