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April = National Financial Literacy Month


As we all know, the month of April is more commonly known for its showers. In the finance world, however, it’s also known as National Financial Literacy Month! It’s a month dedicated to alert, educate, motivate and assist the public to cost-effectively establish and keep their financial and estate plans up-to-date, according to www.estateplanning.com.

They also point out three (3) challenges that Americans face in regards to their financial future, which is why we encourage everyone at any age and any stage of life to start planning:

  1. The majority of Americans lack the ability to adequately plan for retirement as most Americans over 65 are totally dependent on Social Security.
  2. It is estimated that we 120,000,000 Americans do not have an up-to-date estate plan to protect themselves and their families.
  3. Many people mistakenly believe that because they are not “rich,” they do not need to do any estate and financial planning.

To help you get started on your financial/estate planning journey, please contact us. Each month we have in-person workshops, as well as full online workshops if you are not able to attend.

Source: https://www.estateplanning.com/event/April-is-National-Financial-Literacy-Month/

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